The Pledge

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My whereabouts must be kept secret for security reasons…hehehe… truly. The reason…. mmmm… that’s another secret. There is only one xangan in recent times who had seen me. Oohlahlah…. what a wonderful person she is.. came to me at the airport and told hello LP… and said I am Oohlahlah..
Now I am at the verge of being lost… there is only one who can save me.. that’s myself. I don’t know what makes me think that way, well that’s the way I am thinking now. I will let you know the results soon.

The Pledge.

Middle of all with a hungry soul,
Thriving for the touch of all,
The existence of this soul, none feels,
Oh’ insanity may be an exit with blessings come.

An alley step by step passed,
Howling from all corners heard,
The one whisper for which yearns,
Only silence from that corner came.

Why would you leave me in eternal pain,
Why not leave a feeling from far I can love,
Oh’ your silence in the heat of pain melts,
My heart like a candle in altar stands.

The howling stopped and wayfarers left,
Mongrels scavenging trash cans from one time meal,
When walking by those growls, once more pledged,
Die with a hungry soul or with fulfilled love.

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