Love Of The Triumphant Hypocrite.

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Hello my friends, how are you all doing? Here is my question. What the hell is going on out there? Honestly I have no idea. I go from home to office then back to home. Nothing else. Well no matter what happens the poet is just the poet who will write. Here is one of my poems. This poem was originally named as The Triumphant Hypocrite. Later only the first part was written at that time. The ending was written recently. Well, just read it, its all in there.


Love Of The Triumphant Hypocrite.

He loved to curse,

But in public he did not.

He loved the sex and every woman in mind he undressed

But sweet words to all of them he said,

As every time he wanted to ask courage in him failed,

Over the lands, mountains and over many seas he flown,

With every comfort known to mankind he lived,

But a mind that thinks about one thing and body that does otherwise,

Oh’ deep inside still wishes in chain reaction for more and more cried.


A happy face to the world he shown,

And the single minded man took it all like a looter,

But the emptiness inside that filled, he could never eradicate.

One girl not through the eyes of lust he looked,

A pretty girl she was and he knew she deserved a better man.

And she found the better man she thought,

Who looked gay and only misery to her life that boy can bring.

Oh’ the hypocrite at her and gay looking boy looked.

Charming words and gifts of all kinds he gave,

With smiles across the face spreading,

With a thought of revenge for her who did not love him to live,

Unloved and betrayed by the one she love.


When with another smile a wonderful life for them he wished,

He wished to find a way, anyway to wipe,

The fresh born tears from inside his minds eyes.


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