No Regrets

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I recently saw one of my friend here actually blocked me. I asked him why he blocked me and got a reply that some women complained to him that I went from his site and commented on their posts which they think are inappropriate. Let me tell this, I might’ve joked at those pages or posts if someone had problems they should have told that. I know couple of people who told me they didn’t like the tone of my comments and I apologized to them. Now to those who don’t want to directly deal with me… Whatever I said is appropriate and those women deserve it. Now to that guy whom I called a brother… I replied to a message from my other site. I would’ve asked the person what he said and should have done a bit of investigation before blocking. BlueMoon you need to prove to me you are worth being called a friend and a brother. I know who I am and those who truly cares know who I am very well.
       In all honesty, those people I made fun of are hypocrites. They are not worth visiting or visiting my site.

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