The Empty Page.

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This one needs no explanation just read it.

The Empty Page.

Silent through the valleys came,
Wind flowing through the just bloomed spring,
Swaying the trees teaching them a new dance,
Waking little birds and teaching them a new tune,
Oh’ seasons changed and new winds came,
Took away the thickness in the air in winter froze,
What wonderful vision to my mind comes,
Like beads in a rosary one by one I rolled,
And every fold of my heart unfolded,
Uniting everything in front of my conscience I sat,
Trying to color the silhouette the hand of nature stretched,
When every painting a thousand words speaks,
A million images in the mind of the reader a poem paints,
Looking at the silhouette the pen in my hand I took,
Then leaving the empty page upon the page the pen I laid,
Then asked “Where are you my darling model when I need you most?”.

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