Unreal Lives.

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Last night I did a three and a half hours long BlogTV show saying it is my last show in there but BlogTV is going to be there one more day before it totally merges with YouNow.Com. So I will do another show later today.  It was really fun at them same time a little touchy as I met a lot of people there and I clearly can say this is the end of an era. I am moving on to another site not YouNow I didn’t like it there. But in the next couple of days I will start my own show in my own domain. I was thinking about it for a long time but now here I got the chance to eventually do it. Then I don’t need to depend on any other sites availability or rules or policies. After all I am the LonelyPoet so I can be alone in a site. 🙂

This poem, wow, it took about 10 minutes to really write it. But the struggle with the model was huge she is one crazy girl who won’t sit and chat with me at all. I tried for about two hours but in the end I gave up and left and then wrote this poem. Why I chose that particular model was, for some reason I saw a lot of similarities to someone or the one I am trying to talk to through this poem. It maybe a bit rude but without telling the name of the model I am posting her picture here. I rarely do that and I know she will feel honored but all the honor goes to the real one who can inspire me to write an infinite number of poems even with her silence.

Unreal Lives.


Come to me O’ darling come to me,
Nature broke her vows and gave us winter,
Come to me for the warmth of love in me,
Touch my soul and melt the frost of anger in you.


Sing to me O’ darling sing to me,
As old lady winter chased away nesting birds,
Sing to me and learn a new tune of love song,
In the beat of my heart a new rhythm of love you learn.


Dance for me O’ darling dance for me,
As no leaves or flowers I see dancing for me,
Dance for me and learn a new step of expression,
Expression of love I made with a feeling of love.


Oh’ all that you can do from the love you gave,
All that you can take from my love for you,
All can only matter when I become your reality,
And you become my reality in eternal fulfillment.


Yet, in opposite paths of unreal lives we walk.


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