I wonder where to start everything new,
When all that in life I passionately cared,
Faded away into the thick fog beyond sight,
Paths like veins in a body, no beginning no end.
Oh’ looked back to find a closed door to knock,
But those doors beyond recognition disappeared,
Still knocked at anything hard one can find,
As cold in the falling rain so cunningly brewed.
Alone, directionless, cold and in a season unknown,
Oh’, the unloved man, a selfless dictator became,
His blood thickened and his flesh warmed,
To preserve the love he felt, for the one he loved.
The world may invent new ways to destroy his love,
For a girl in his heart and soul he very well know,
Is the only one he can ever love, he will forever love,
Even the very thought about her, ah’ brings a new glow.
Clasping his own hand at the withering weather he faced,
That new glow found ways from his soul to his eyes,
Showing ways for her to find a way to his lonely soul.
As the chaos of the world not to venture into her ears screams.
And at the world and the stereotypes he smiled,
Binding ropes of structures that stops a loving heart,
And to her his plea screamed “Break loose from those,
Who binds you to a meaningless and loveless world”.
Night came, everything once again by darkness consumed,
He looked for her all around and nothing he found,
The world looked for them and nothing they found,
She looked and found the glow of those eyes, bright and clear.
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