Silly silence found sweet ways to attract,
Senses through movements between screams,
Screams of a loveless man whose emotions lost,
In the heart of a lady, he loved from his heart.
Thunders failed to withstand gravity and fell,
Shaking neighborhoods and the souls of many,
The loveless man stood his ground through drooled,
The dust and dirt the world around him threw.
The northern winds defeated what remained of summer,
Frost touched the high-ends of the trees squeezing leaves,
Barks cracked and puffed up birds sat with eyes closed.
The broken heart unfelt the frost as his brows with sweat filled.
He sat beside the road watching the fallen leaves float,
Let go by their mother who has no more love for them,
Some drowned, others stuck to stones making new art,
For his mind to wake from the meditative sorrow.
Nature never paused even a minute to ponder,
A way to bring a little warmth to the man lost,
In flights of fantasy when blisters started to form,
Ah’ in those fancy thoughts and made up dreams found,
A little candlelit not so far nor not so close,
That little warmth through his soul into him spread,
And kept him warm as Nature’s relentless attempts failed,
To move or change what little left of his senses felt.
That little candlelight was a telepathic feeling he felt,
Of the love of his love, he felt when her heart swayed,
With thoughts about him, she felt and he eyes opened,
Ah’, love between these souls is beyond Earthly feelings.
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