Twenty Ninth Day Of June – 2019.
Day like a vampire came breaking the peace,
The night so vehemently kept under her cloak,
Sun danced hand in hand with the bright day,
As morning, noon and afternoon in light passed.
When I woke only the sound of my heartbeat heard,
But the passions of the day elevated the many sounds,
Some led to tears as soliloquy questioned conscience,
Some led to anger and night swiftly came and calmed.
The evening and early night saw Brewers play and lose,
A little more heaviness to carry in the heart,
Oh’, when losing, life will always be in the losing side,
As through the night, I passed I feel the vampire’s cry.
Oh’, in love I should be covering you,
Protecting you from all the wickedness of the world,
Fighting for you against worlds we know nothing about,
And here I am wrestling demons we know nothing about.
Let the new day come with all the evil machinations,
When where there is evil there is a good out there,
May that good be the love of you and I for each other,
May that love be the divine blessing you and I pray for.
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