First Day Of July – 2019.
Billions of rays of sun flown billions of miles and unleashed,
The minutes of the day through morning, noon and afternoon,
The evening hours unbound thoughts through the day gathered,
And lessened heaviness by thoughts left about past and future.
The past days like today left me without leaving a mark,
They birthed the same like last year and years before,
Oh’, no matter how far through the universe we move,
The Sun and Moon and the Stars they all stood stubborn,
To bring a blank present and gave a fear, then anger about,
The present days that unfurled like a flag the patriot left,
His flesh and blood remembered but all he fought now lifeless,
Oh’, I fought demons I know not and in all exist not in reality.
Such is the pain of love, Oh’, dearest you left in my heart,
I know the pain exists but it hurts not, as
Erases every bit of that pain and gives life a definition,
No else can understand but the man who loves you unconditionally.
And the night put off each ray of sun in sadness taken,
From the heart of mine trying to find a new way to see,
My love for you, ah’ my Little Boss as the world sleeps,
And through
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