Third Day Of August – 2019.
The validity of a dream cannot be found,
In the fantasy world or the spiritual world,
The fulfillment of every dream manifest,
Through the material you, living, time and space.
Such were the soliloquy that took me to bed,
And morning and noon sang lullabies and passed,
As dreamless I slept but no darkness into mind crept.
Oh’, love and dreams exists in two different realms of life.
Woke up I with an image in mind and into the realms of life injected,
That image, Oh’, Little Boss, not a moment of my life I will spend,
Without an image of you in spiritual life and my material life.
For in spirit and material I fill my life with my love for you.
Wake up Little Boss, wake up to love, wake your love,
Hide not behind the walls of masquerading material life,
For, you know the pulse of your spiritual life filled with love,
Love from every direction and horizons showing only my face.
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