Little she knew that her heart can sway,
The love in a heart little by little sprouted,
As every moment of good, bad and hurting defined,
By every thought, word she spoke, and move she made.
Through the valley of her time in youthful charms, she ran,
What fell, what earned, what embraced, Oh’, she didn’t care,
Loveliness of the dark woods through which she passed defined,
Ah’, dreams took a dark page from those memories of her past.
Always to a happy moment way back in her past she chased,
Oh’, in looks, ways, and speech she kept that little girl in the eyes,
Of a world that aged beyond her views and charms of life,
From that world came the man of her life and she rejected.
Love of a girl may sway with the worldly chaos and views,
But her man stood smiling even when his unloved heart ached,
Drown he will not in the temptations of the exotic world,
Love he will not another soul other than the soul he loved.
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