Somedays like a happy man I feel,
Though happiness is something that hates,
Me from my conscience and my soul so fragile,
And mind garlands a weeping face with happy tears.
As for myself for dream fulfillment I fashioned,
To be seen in her mind’s eyes as a lover and failed,
The dreams in that mind I saw, ah’, gave awe,
The fulfillment of those dreams, my life became.
Through life, my love progressed and at her feet reached,
Every moment of happiness became a synonym of her,
Every moment of sadness a lesson to be a better man,
The final love, a dream, with her, hand in hand standing.
With her love a pride feeling facing nature and watch,
The whole nature dissolve in her beauty through love,
Love my life weaved gathering every essence of the known,
Then unknown gained light as my universe by her face filled.
I am the river into her wonderful soul flown,
What shape she chose, what color she brewed,
What art she made with me, ah’, I trusted,
And rested in her faithful love for me.
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