Tires over the frozen road rolled,
Frozen glasses from inside heated,
The car ride with melancholic music played,
Eyes always looked for a new color to dream.
People drove through their puzzled lives,
Some walked seeing the air they exhaled,
Children deliberately slipped and fell,
And I looked at them with a cheerful smile.
Roads, Oh’, upon which I once walked with smiles,
In thoughts about fascinations of my youthful dreams,
What good remained of my youth, ah’, never failed in love,
And the dreamer weaved dreams about her filled with love.
When will I walk out of my dreamy world with her?
Hand in hand for each of us loved in ways of our own,
The full-grown winter failed not to howl in my soul,
When thinking about the future with her by my side.
Silent my soul never will be when about her I think,
For, all my love from childhood till date united only for her,
Ah’, meaningless one by one realities through life became,
As all senses became senseless without her in my life.
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