A day just passed by taking sunrise and sunset,
Into the depths of memory, O’, how will I remember?
Those chariots of daydreams bringing chalices of romance,
In it are wines of tastes from lovely blossoming lips of yours.
The very thoughts of yesterdays softened all my sorrows,
What powers dreams have over humans who see and forgets,
But my inward eyes so romantically sought those lips,
Ah’, that very thought intoxicated me beyond all hopes.
Though none cared to dream along my soul filled with love,
Those gone by years left gave melancholic rhythms to my heart,
Ah’, that music is the muse to find words for these verses,
The tunes, none shall hear, even when felt, none shall sing, I pray.
I borrowed strength from end of days of mine leaving them empty,
In serious talks I say I will outlive all that I love, learning to love new,
But no love I can muster from past, present, or future time and space,
As the day I met Little Boss past, present, and future filled with her love.
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