The Love We Established.

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By the lake, in mid-day, I stood and thought,
About the waking life all around even in mid-winter days,
Breaking through the sheet of ice towards me came,
A wave, eating every bit of sand and ice fattened.

Fantastic fantasies in the inwards eyes danced,
Fearless in the deadly freeze miraged,
Realities fight hard to be someone’s fantasy fulfillment,
Ah’, my reality fights hard to be my darling’s fantasy.

As the tug-of-war between realities and fantasy tightened,
Felt a frozen wave through the veins of mine and slowly spread,
Then thoughts about her warmed the wave into romantic touches,
Ah’, soul’s roots touched the ground and gathered the pulse of time.

As time swept through lives and gathered all through space,
Life became an establishment of an unheard philosophy,
Now heard in the bells that rang in honor of our love,
Love we established uncaring about time, space, and brutal realities.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2021.

Photo by Cristiano Temporin on Unsplash

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