How many times did I tell you a tale of our happy times?
Then quietly I watched you in gestures and expressions,
Showing the happiness deep in your soul and heart, felt,
How many more times I be happy to watch your happiness.
Then the mirage vapored into thin air and alone I sat,
The air tried hard to fill my mind in disappointment felt,,
Solo life has its merits of talking out loud the pains,
And through my monologue, heard a theme of untold love.
Days I passed with many, many mirages and untold stories,
They came like witches from another world and whispered,
Ah’, all filled with my love for one soul here on Earth,
Love for her grew as every sunset and sunrise into history gone.
One day I sat in the mockery of my own lost love and monologue,
And then I stopped and gathered one by one the stories I told,
I paced to and fro and again I thought about all that came to my mind,
Then I stopped my monologue and storytelling at that time and space,
For all that I said is from a time way ahead of this point of time,
Each day we defined our love in new ways and love each other more,
In new ways we each other found to make each other smile,
The air cleared, the sun shined bright, love from her filled my soul.
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