Following a great thought by Rumi the great poetic soul,
Welcomed all emotions with a smile and each celebrated,
My peace of mind, an understanding, a gratitude prayer,
Oh’, I am no saint, yet, humble enough to boast, a lover.
The lover his lessons all through his loving life, learned,
Life lived in love or aching when love so harshly ungiven,
The word dreams he said meant strings of life paths,
With those strings he weaved, a wonderful montage of her.
Her, the lady where all his definition of love converged,
Heart at times only beat for her and every emotion of his waits,
The loving feeling of her every moment he renews,
The twitch, the flutter, in her heart, makes him a better poet.
Poet wrote many poems and his heart for her so well known,
The footprints with his poetry he left, not even time can erase,
Every day in every way one footprint at a time for her he left,
The path to his heart where love for her sprouts his poetry.
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