The Frozen Spring.

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I waited for the blooming spring to come
With hopes of sprouting warmth and love
I dreamed of the dancing flowers in the sun
And birdsongs spreading through air from above

But then the rebounding winter snow began to fall,
Flurries in the air and all over land danced,
The stunned sprouts tried to find a rhythm to dance,
And they all fell in the cold and weight of the snow.

The fallen snow stuck together and froze,
And chilled my spirit and flesh to the bone
It covered all the sprouting buds and leaves
And left me in the dark and cold and alone

The snow was like your fantastic promises
So beautiful in words and actions bright
But soon they all melted in my bare hands
And harsh realities turned to tears of white

You said you loved me like the pretty spring
But you were like the rebounding winter snow
You came with songs and went muted so suddenly
And in the deepest dark left me with no glow

Now I’m stuck in frozen winter’s grip
With nothing but shivering regrets
I wish I never saw the paleness of snow
Or passed as a victim of your love you ever met.

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Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

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