No Show Here?

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Hello Sam, My Mo Cushle,
  How are you doing? Haven’t seen you here in my site for couple
of days now. Well…. I don’t know if you liked me commenting on your
MySpace. You know why I think so, these days I am not fully confident
of my actions, as many backfired. If so let me know. Don’t worry. If I
don’t see your comments I feel a little bad and sad that’s all.
Unfortunately, in MySpace I saw “Online now” under your picture in my
friends area, so I thought you may come here. Its okay if you don’t
want to comment. But let me know. Alrighty.

The Signature Of A True Human Is The Smile He/She Brings On The Face Of Others.
Riaz Ahammed.

PS: My Brother sent this to me along with a lot of e-books. I thought this may be beneficial to you more than me. The Craft Of Writing Science Fiction

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