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I am on a move now… just from one hotel to another hotel. Nine months I lived in one room and now I moving out to another hotel. Lot of packing as I all my DVDs, CDs, books and tons of papers. I bought boxes and loaded all those in the boxes and my clothes in two suite cases. I hope all will fit into my Odyssey. The first test for my new van. There isn’t much going on other than confusions I myself bring into my head. Yesterday I decided, no more of that. That’s what this poem is all about. Read.




Sunlight through the gloomy clouds pierced,

Reckoning the hours when, wheels of life turn.


My engines started late in every way,

T.V, music and morning confusions,

And to it all the feeling of nothingness added,

Oh’ am I the one with nothing to remember, I thought.


Silly thoughts and busy schedules crazed.

All through a day in which, stability in events disappeared.


Images I’ve seen, about some long lost past,

Echoes I’ve heard, of the cry of a pained soul,

And to the evening I told,

The orange, red and purple I see you show,

For minds from the clutches of life drain,

Thoughts about past known,

And thoughts about future uncertain,

Oh’ in patience you wait evening,

For minds to settle for the night,

And into the night you disappear,

Dissolving the creamy layer of pain,

Of all who see you, in the layers of sky.


Smiles upon my face blossomed,

As about future I think not,

And the past of mine with respect I left,

Oh’ the present in which I tied myself,

Every moment is nothing but present, I realized,

And the beginning of the moment I care,

The way the moment delivers life I care,

And when the moment passes,

A word or two of respect in my mind I write.


A day ended with peace of mind,

A night I enjoy in the peace of mind,

And to myself with stubbornness I pledged,

“Nothing will I do to blow my peace of mind”,

Remember not, when that peace of mind became sleep.



“If you want to comment on my poems please visit and post your comments in LonelyPoet.Com all the poems that are posted in this site will be there in LonelyPoet.Com“.

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