Happy NYE

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The last day of turbulent year woke upwith nothing unusual. I wish every day that passed me by in the year2007 were like this one. They were not. I felt cursed this past year.Well I am a very lucky man to be where I am even with misfortunesrelentlessly haunting me. Well.. there were good things also but theshadow of something unknown always covered my senses. The mistakeswere too much, at this age I just can’t make them. Period.

I am not a resolution person. Idon’t make resolutions. I live my life according to the way itunfolds. So in many ways I passed I only see two footsteps. Thatbothers me a lot these days, but I don’t really care about it thesedays. Whoever stays will find the better part of me, rest …whatever. So I am going back to where I truly belong those who reallyknow me, will know where that place is. It is an uphill task but I amsure once I have to climb that hill and be where I truly want to be.Then settle down there. This is it, I am leaving the consultant life.So in a way 2008 is a year in which I will define myself and organizeand execute a plan that took sometime to figure out. If I cannot dothat I will declare myself as the biggest loser.

Hope you all stay safe out there….This is one day, when all temptations are fulfilled. Have fun myfriends…You all have a wonderful New Years Eve.

I will leave you all with a smile this year….

7 Replies to “Happy NYE”

  1. Same here, I don’t make resolutions anymore either…it seems so hollow to me…this last years was a bad one for me too…to many things broke down…if it wasnt the washing machine, then it was the car and….I think this years will be a good one…after all I am an optimist…

    much love,


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