The Guiding Light.

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I will never say the subject of this poem is mine. I cannot say that asI looked at someone else’s post and wrote what I felt about it. Thatgirl may never agree with me. But I say what is in my mind, that’s justme. It means no offense. If it takes that I should repeat what I saidand saying a billion times I will do that as I feel that right.

The Guiding Light.

Compelled by the flow of the world,
Nothing seen around but the roaring fears,
All in material born, lived, dead and gone,
And she remained confused in her thoughts.

Nothing grabbed those outstretched hands,
Those who touched slipped away,
Some in tears, some with mocking smiles,
Time tightened the grip all around,
Like an overflowing river.

Confusion led to suspicion,
Both led to frustration,
All led to isolation,
What remained, breathless silence,
And a feeling of guilt for an uncommitted crime.

Oh’ in every way the world complicated,
Life with misery and competition,
Where what left was jealousy and pity,
When she forgot to show compassion, to oneself.

In the simplest of wisdom commonly known,
Live as who you are and with what you got,
But as the world sinks in a waterless ocean,
Where dreams are made of illusions,
Than any thought of reality,
It takes more than courage to swim against,
All that comes at her to drown her.

Stop where you are and look where you are,
Beware of the steps you take,
What is meant of for someone else don’t fit on you,
Be not lost even in the first step to life you take.

There is a guiding light all around you,
There is none better than the maternal half,
From your five senses why not spare one,
For a moment or two into the wisdom of that life.

7 Replies to “The Guiding Light.”

  1. Nice poem! Confusion led to suspicion, Both led to frustation, All led to isolation……very true! Why not somone comes and tell us of the guiding light when we are in confusion state? Everything can turn so right at that time. It is really a vicious circle. I will remember there is always a guiding light above me, before me, infront of me and everywhere! Thanks for writing such a beautiful poem and thanks to that girl also who inspired you! 🙂 Bless You!

    ~Namaste~ Nidhi

  2. Yeah….very true! You rightly said poets are really clever. If the poem is not for the concerned person, then I think he won’t be able to understand it fully and if other person feels it is written for me, he will understand each and every word. The way you told her is really good. Bless You! I feel your kids will be (are) lucky, you can deal with them really well! 🙂 Just kidding! 🙂

    Bless You! ~Namaste~ Nidhi

  3. Beautiful write.. I’ve been reading your poems over the last couple days, they’re all beautiful and make me want to read more! 🙂

    RYC: I’ve always been a huge fan of Maya Angelou, I’d love to meet her one day, what a dream come true that would be

    And I love your truck!!

  4. hey there, so happy you found me…thanks for your comments and friendship; I have subscribed to you, will you be my friend too? take care and chat soon!

    I simply love this poem; so filled with innuendo and resolve…love your work!


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