The Abandoned.

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 Not much changed in the last 24 hours. Watched two football games last night. Heard Federer lost. Cursed Kanye West for bullying a beauty. Ate, Slept, Ate again before fasting started. Now at work.


The poem, long time back about a year back someone in xanga told me if I could write a poem in a different language as English is not my mother tongue. I told her it will not be easy for me as I am not well versed with my mother tongue to write in that language. Still I made up a tune and started singing in that tune to make the poem.  But  I never reached anywhere with what I made. The tune is still in my head. However taking some part of that Malayalam lyrics I wrote, I started making a poem. There is a bit of reality in this rest is part of that song I wrote. If people have visited me during my blogtv shows you would have heard me whistle the tune. I always used to whistle the tune during the shows.


Here is the poem in full.




The walks facing the setting sun buries,

The pain of the day and sometime some pathos come,

As a tune or a line or two in that tune I may sing,

On that day when to bury a pain I tried,

Sung these lines in a tune in my mind sprouted.

“You the one from view faded,

The one behind the veil of past hidden,

Oh’ glory of yours always will fill,

In the smile filled memories of those days”


Yeah, smile filled were those days,

Smiles given and taken in hopes and dreams,

And about those days only this I can say.


“Didn’t I waited for love,

Waited and waited and in waiting I waited,

Ah’ in through waiting birthed,

Dreams of all kinds with you.


Every dream ended with a new flower shown,

In images of your silhouette made,

A God given gift of beauty and charm,

Spreading into the depths of soul.


The full moon in dark you became,

Erasing every bit of darkness from my soul,

And in the moonlight birthed wishes,

Wishes by those moonlight kissed.


Every sense of mine filled,

With dancing scenes nature shown,

And in the heart every sense filled,

With wishes seen in the light of your face.


The wishes grew green like the sprouts of spring,

And they waited for the rain to bring flowers,

But no blessing of rain came, no sign of daylight,

And for the wishes to flower no spring time given.”


When walking alone through well paved paths,

Empty hands inside pockets placed,

Searching for the reasons why wishes no spring time seen,

Once more from my mind rise my own song,

““You the one from view faded,

The one behind the veil of past hidden,

Oh’ glory of yours always will fill,

In the smile filled memories of those days”


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