Silent Island

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It is really sad to hear that Xanga as we know it is ending on July 15th. This was like a home for me. No matter where I was it helped me to keep some sort of sanity. I met some great people here. They all helped me to grow as a writer and thinker. Some little kids taught me great lessons some older people made me feel respected then there were those disgruntled folks who lost me in their own definitions. This is not the first tool to fall, BlogTV moved to YouNow and I left that site. Right now I really don’t know what to do with this PoetryBox, maybe I will close it.
Little more than eight years was filled with fun that was waved with smiles, tears and a lot of love. I will truly miss some of you if this ends on July 15th. You can find me on FaceBook. I clearly kept FB and this apart and told most of the FB folks to stay there and not to infringe into here. I can never forget Xanga as this is where I found my only true love.
This is not as simple as I may think

Silent Island.

The waves sang a song and rhythms gave,
For a dance none ever danced,
Glanced the world from all around,
A silhouette faded among the thickening fog.

Weaving dreams within the dancing fog,
The colors of love in those dreams filled,
Yet, the wonders of life in an uncouth reality lived
As silence crawled all the way into depths of mind.

From the kiss of sun small vibgyor bows sprouted,
Illusions, ah’ a parasite who ate mind and wild grown,
The crashing waves no match for the silent mind,
No more songs can be sung as dancer in fog faded.

In her eyes how love will be seen?
In her heart how love will dance?
In her hands how love will be mould?
In her ears how words of love will fall?

Unknown to mind who felt her touch,
And every touch of her a romantic fulfillment left,
In a mind where senses once more united,
And weaved within dreams, dreams that remained unfulfilled.

The drowning dreams stuck to the setting sun
Maybe on another day in those vibgyor bows may show
Taking life from smiles upon your faces I must try again to paint
Until that day this wanderer an island amidst roaring waves.

A silent island without your smiles that sure will implode

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2013.

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