Behavioral analysis.

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I have told about this many times in my many, many previous posts. This is about a person who visits my site often. I thought it is a girl I like who is my regular reader but go through the image a bit. I will explain what it is.. It comes from a Software Log created by Statcounter which is installed into WordPress. It tells me who visits my site. For privacy reasons I masked out the IP-Address of the visitor. If needed for legal purposes I can request the owner of the IP who was using it at the time of my visit and they will be made available to me and a court. As there are no specific threats to me or my sites, I don’t have to go to those extreme measures. Now without doing all that from just this picture I can tell something from the behavior of the person.

Just take the last two days May 18th and May 19th visits by this person. It tells you whoever is this came at 3:19 AM. So I thought wow, why would “Boss” wake up at this hour to read a post and poem? But then look at the visits on May 19th … The visit was at 20:02 that is right before I broke my Ramadan fast.. I thought ooh, it is like this person looked at my post right before I broke fast… then I said wait a min. Look at the visit again. It is from Verizon, the phone was used not from home network. But outside, right before I broke the fast, or right before this person broke the fast in a Mosque? So I looked at the timings after that, 23:42…. the time Muslims finish the nightly prayers and probably come back home. The nightly prayers starts around 10:00 PM and usually lasts about an hour and a half. Then the next visit like the previous day was between 3:00 and 3:30 in the morning. What do Muslims do at this time? They prepare for the fasting to start… eat, drink and prepare for prayers for the fasting that starts by about 3:50AM.

So this person is a Muslim. A ouple of days back I posted three options, Boss, an associate who worked at a store me and Boss worked, I will call her Lady E for keeping her name private, then, an African American lady who worked with Boss in another store. I told I blocked the African American lady and Lady E out of my Facebook. The African American lady is a Muslim.

I am not going to make any big proclamation or anything like that. Like every other reader who comes to this website, this lady has the right to visit my site and read my poems too. I just want to let her know that, I know who you are. Enjoy the poems.

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