Waves of winds roamed around to give chill and sway,
Strong trees and to the lakeshore bring, a calming melancholy,
Narrow streets welcomed mind and the aching memories,
Oh’, what part of nature will give me a reason to forgive my own past?
And memory lane took me to a gathered firestorm that burned,
Bridges and through mind became what melt soul to a loveless lump.
Life undefined when again and again loveless and alone I stood,
Blame me not, O’ crazy world, I loved and I lost and I moved.
Then in my mind, a thought like a whispering witch sprouted,
“Past doesn’t determine who you are, nor it will determine,
The ways of the world at you. Future is what fulfills,
Dreams you weave in imperfections to absolute perfection.”.
Oh’, dear, my dearest, the darling of all, my only love,
The ungiven love in your soul, do you feel in swirls?
Do you feel the suffocation of that love to unfold and fulfill?
For, the love I gave unreturned, unfulfilled like a ghost wanders.
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